In the 1960s few would have believed that smoke-free workplaces would before long become the norm. Could fragrance-free workplaces be the wave of the future? A CDC policy bans the use of air fresheners and scented candles in every CDC facility in the country. This policy states: “The use of some products with fragrance may be detrimental to the health of workers with chemical sensitivities, allergies, asthma, and chronic headaches/migraines.” The full CDC policy can be viewed on the website of the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation, which contains information about multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), including a research bibliography. Individuals with MCS react not only to fragrances but also to substances such as cleaning products, pesticides, diesel exhaust, air fresheners, fabric softeners, and new carpet. Symptoms can include asthma attacks, sinusitis, headaches, skin rashes, irritable bowel symptoms, fatigue, and difficulty with concentration, memory, and cognition.